Over the holidays, my bedroom mantel was all decked out with greenery and Christmas decor and once I took it all down, the mantel seemed so empty!  Last week, I finally got around to styling it again.

TIDBITS & TWINE Master Bedroom 2014


For me, this is a tricky space to decorate.  The ceiling is tall and angled and it’s a large space that feels like it’s begging to be filled.  But the mirror is very “busy” looking and so most things look distracting with the mirror as a backdrop.  As you probably already know, I like lots of layers and lot of texture, and my new mantel display is no exception.  So my solution was to use simple shapes and neutral colors that could be tucked under the mirror, but use lots of them to fill the space.

TIDBITS & TWINE Master Bedroom  10 2014


I’ve used old books without covers as “filler” across the entire mantel, along with some mercury glass, candlesticks and of course, lots of flowers.

TIDBITS & TWINE Master Bedroom  8 2014


I did break one of my own decorating rules, though….but really, I think of them more as guidelines anyway!  I typically like to be practical when it comes to decorating and try to use only items that make sense for the room they are in.  But in this case, I’ve used a few faux pear branches displayed in a pitcher.  While pears in the bedroom might be a bit odd, I love their color and the interest they add to the otherwise, monochromatic space.  So for now, I’m keeping the pears!

TIDBITS & TWINE Master Bedroom  7 2014


My dress form got a small update with some pink feathers secured with a pearl clip-on earring.

TIDBITS & TWINE Master Bedroom  4 2014

TIDBITS & TWINE Master Bedroom  5 2014


I’m sure I’ll change this again soon, but for now, I’m enjoying the new look.

TIDBITS & TWINE Master Bedroom  3 2014


Wishing you a warm and wonderful Valentine’s Day!
Tidbits&Twine - Signature



Sharing At:  Savvy Southern StyleA Stroll Thru Life



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  1. You did a great job on your mantel. It looks beautiful!

    1. User Avatar Tidbits&Twine says:

      Thank you, Tammy!

    1. User Avatar Tidbits&Twine says:

      Thank you, Gayle!

    1. User Avatar Tidbits&Twine says:

      Thank you, Debra! That clock mirror was a HomeGoods find that I wasn’t searching for, didn’t need, but “had” to have!

  2. I think your mantel looks absolutely beautiful! How nice to have a fireplace in your bedroom…I’d get up later and later each day with a fire burning! :) I like the pears and branches, they are so muted it just fits in perfectly. The flowers are such a soft touch with the old books. I love it!

    Visiting from Pamela’s. Great inspiration from you! I’m off to explore your blog a little more!


    1. User Avatar Tidbits&Twine says:

      Hi Jane – Thank you so much for visiting and for taking the time to leave a comment! I always appreciate comments. :) Have a wonderful day!

  3. Hi Kim, came over from Pamelas and just signed up to be your newest follower. I LOVE your style! And actually the pears are my favorite thing on the mantle!!! I wish we had a fireplace in our bedroom, that would be so lovely. Is yours gas or wood burning? It was fun to read about the dress form.Have a great day and I will be back!!! BTW, if I have signed up to follow by e-mail do I still have to check the box below that says “notify me of new posts by e-mail”???? Thanks!

    1. User Avatar Tidbits&Twine says:

      Thank you SO much for visiting from Pamela’s blog and for your kind comments! I’ve now fallen in love with the pears, too. :) (Got them from Target just recently!) The fireplace is gas burning and we have it on almost every day during the winter. Thank you so much for signing up for my posts via email. Be sure that you look for a verification email from Feedburner and click the verification link. Unfortunately, the verification emails sometimes filter to Junk mail and without verifying, you won’t receive emails. So be sure to check your Inbox and junk mail! But no, you don’t have to check the box below… Thank you again!!

    1. User Avatar Tidbits&Twine says:

      Thank you so much, Kris!

    1. User Avatar Tidbits&Twine says:

      Thank you, Kathy!

  4. Oh Kim, It all looks sooo pretty! Love the pears…love it all! It’s so much fun to do the change of seasons!! The silver looks so great next to the old books! I know it makes you smile every time you’re in your room!
    Have a wonderful weekend!

    1. User Avatar Tidbits&Twine says:

      Hi Becky – Thank you so much!!! :)

    1. User Avatar Tidbits&Twine says:

      Thank you, Judy! Happy Valentine’s Day!

  5. This is beautiful and how nice to have a fireplace in the bedroom.

    1. User Avatar Tidbits&Twine says:

      Thank you, Kim!

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