I’ve been dying to share some exciting news with you and the day has finally arrived!  I have been asked to guest post on the World Market blog for the month of March – one post a week for the entire month.  Can you believe it?!  And not only that, but they let me choose products that I love and write anything about them that I wanted.  Talk about a dream come true!!

What was so easy for me about this assignment is that I’ve shopped at and loved World Market items for years.  I have several pieces of World Market furniture, lots of accessories, and let’s not forget my beloved cowhide rug!  So finding things that appealed to me and writing about them was both easy and fun.

My first post went live today {whoo hoo!} and it’s all about creating a side table display.  If you’re a regular reader of my blog, then you’ll know that I have a love of books and lenses and the accessories I selected allowed me to create a display that reflected this.  Aren’t these items great?!

TIDBITS&TWINE Side Table Vignette Accessories

You can get the details of the accessories I chose here:

1. Magnifying Glass on Stand

2. Glass Cloches

3. Ceramic Sugar Bowl

4. Mini Brass & Wood Magnifying Glass

5. Tortoise Handle Magnifying Glass


Here’s a sneak peek at how the vignette turned out…

TIDBITS&TWINE Vintage Opera Glasses and Old Books


I hope you’ll hop over to the World Market blog to take a look at the result and support me in my latest venture.  You can see all the pictures and get detailed steps to create your own vignette by clicking the text below:


3 Steps to a Creative Side Table Vignette



I hope you like the tutorial and the result!
Tidbits&Twine - Signature




Note: This post is part of a partnership with World Market but all of the opinions and ideas are my own.  I always make a point to share with you only things that I truly love and this is no exception!




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  1. Congratulations! So excited for you! Double treat for me. Not only do I love your blogs, I also love world market!

    1. User Avatar Tidbits&Twine says:

      Thank you so much, Coco!! :)

  2. Congratulations! So happy for you! What Fun and such an honor – you deserve!!!

  3. So excited for you! And I adore World Market! Living way, way out in the country, I can shop online. I didn’t know they had a blog though. Headed there now. Thank you!

  4. Congratulations! Love World Market & reading your posts on there will be so fun!!
    xo. Leslie
    Segreto Finishes

  5. so exciting! heading over right now. congratulations on the new gig :)

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