For those of you that are new here, you might not have realized that I had to take a year off of blogging due to personal reasons {post HERE}. As such, I didn’t post any pictures from Christmas last year. Actually, I didn’t really decorate all that much for Christmas last year….well, at least not as much as I usually do! At any rate, today I’m sharing with you a few pics that I snapped while on hiatus last year in hopes that they might give you some Christmas decorating inspiration for your own home.
For the first time ever, we purchased a flocked Christmas tree. Yes, this beauty is the real deal!
I tend to wrap presents the day before Christmas {I always have been and always will be a procrastinator!}, so there’s always plenty of room for festive goodies under the tree.
And while I didn’t really decorate anything else in the living room or adjacent dining room, I did add some garland and dried roses to the fireplace mantel.
My bedroom was rather sparse last Christmas and while these aren’t my favorite pictures, I wanted to show you the cute cedar skirt I made for my vintage dress form!
My grandma’s pearl and one of her brooches added the perfect finishing touch.
And stop by next week because I’ll be sharing my 2017 Christmas Home Tour as part of a group with 29 other bloggers!
And just for you, here’s a sneak peek of my home tour!!
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Wow amazing Christmas decorations. This Christmas I also put some extra effort in decorating my home.
Hi, I love Christmas and all the decoration related to it. I loved how you put so much effort in it. I am definitely going to do this on Christmas this year.
Loved those roses and can’t wait to see the rest, thanks.
Absolutely beautiful decor and thank you for sharing with us