I’ve been promising to show you the DIY subway sign project that I started months ago but until now, have only shown you a sneak peek. I’m still now completely finished with decorating the space {it’s a work-in-progress}, but I am done with the artwork itself, so I thought I’d finally share it with you today!



A few months back, I took a virtual home tour of Tricia’s house from Little Cottage on the Pond.  What a gorgeous home she has!  You can tour it {here}.  One image stuck in my mind – the framed vintage subway art in the foyer.  It was love at first sight!  And so began my dedicated search for vintage subway art… I spotted a few pieces on Etsy and Ebay, but all were out of my price range.  I also came across an amazing 10′ scroll from Europe at an antique faire, but I couldn’t quite justify the cost {$200!}, especially since I wasn’t yet 100% sure that I was going to like how it looked in my home.  That’s when I decided to try my hand at making my own version using dates and places that were meaningful to my family.

If anyone is interested in a step-by-step tutorial, I can give the instructions in a follow-up post, but essentially, I created a list of places and dates that represented our family and then printed the art for only $3 at Staples!  Yes, just $3!  I glued the art to foam core and mounted the foam core on some linen I had stretched to the back of a poster frame and ta-da!  Instant subway art!



For now, I have a small bench underneath with my new fiddleleaf fig tree.  You might notice that the frames are further apart than what seems natural, but there’s an intercom system in the middle of the wall that I am not capable of moving.  Why the builders put it right in the middle I’ll never understand, but there it sits, so I did my best to work around it.  The pot that the tree is in used to be a yellow/green color, but I recently chalk painted it on a whim.  I’m still living with it while I decide whether I like it or want to repaint it.  :)



I have a long hallway that runs the length of the open living room and dining room, leading toward the kitchen.  Here you can see how the art looks walking in through the house and you can see the entrance to my kitchen in the background {and my vintage orchard ladder in the corner!}.



While I finally have this big wall decorated, I still have a very long To Do list for the space that includes:

  • New floors
  • New baseboards and wainscoting
  • New paint


For now, though, I’m happy with this new space and guests finally have a spot to sit while they remove their shoes {even though we’re a shoe family, which I have discovered is apparently not all that common!}.



I hope everyone has a happy 4th of July!



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Sharing At: DIY Showoff


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  1. Please, please, give a step-by-step tutorial on the subway art. It looks great!

  2. Love the subway art!
    And the price is even better…I think that spot was made for them!

    1. User Avatar Tidbits&Twine says:

      Thank you so much, Jen!

  3. I absolutely LOVE your subway art!! Just beautiful :)

    1. User Avatar Tidbits&Twine says:

      Hi Tricia – Thank you!!! And thank you for the beautiful inspiration!

    1. User Avatar Tidbits&Twine says:

      Thank you, Kathy! That wall has been empty for about 8 years, so it’s nice to finally have it filled!

  4. That looks beautiful, great job!!! LOVED the price too:):) Can you tell me where you got your fiddle leaf fig tree???? I have been searching for one for a year!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks!!!

    1. User Avatar Tidbits&Twine says:

      Thank you so much! Can you believe I found it at Home Depot?! But my local nursery also sells them so check your nurseries if you haven’t already!

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