It’s time for the big reveal! My daughter’s little girl bedroom got a makeover perfect for a fun-loving tween and I can’t wait to share with you how this tween girl’s bedroom turned out!

Last week, I posted about how to create an easy, 4-step plan for approaching a makeover for a girl’s bedroom, or any room {you can read that post HERE}. From the picture above that my daughter gave me, I knew:
- She likes contemporary designs
- She’s not afraid of bold patterns
- She likes a little sparkle
- She likes a bold look that is also glamorous
- She’s not afraid to have a lot going on in a small space!
- She likes turquoise, white, and gold {I’m putting this one last since color doesn’t convey anything about style}
We also had some functional requirements in order to ensure that the new design was actually useful:
- Bigger bed
- Lots of drawers for storage
- Display areas for items as well as her artwork
- Full-length mirror to admire outfits
- Large work space for drawing, coloring, and sewing
- Able to function as she grows and as her tastes change, without having to redo the entire room
Here’s a look at her room BEFORE {and obviously also before I learned how to use my camera!}:
And here’s the AFTER!
I don’t think it looks like the same space because it looks so much bigger and brighter, but it is also so much more functional.
She picked out all of these pillows and I must admit, I’m a bit obsessed with the sequin one. It’s fun to write little notes to her on the pillow. We also picked out some fun, polka-dot sheets in hot pink to add another layer of color.
My daughter is an aspiring fashion designer, so we incorporated her designs into a gallery wall that surrounds her bed.
The images are simple croquis that I printed off the internet and then she draws outfits on them. {You can find a link to the images HERE.}
To visually connect her bed and gallery wall to her “built-ins”, we used gold, vinyl decals. Originally, the plan was to cover the entire wall, but they took away from the gallery wall so instead, we created a random pattern that looked as if they were falling down onto her bed. Actually, my daughter says that her piggy bank is blowing kisses on her as she sleeps.
Opposite her bed, we left the trim that was originally on the wall, as well as the two full-length mirrors, but I added a 4′ x 5′ ribbon memo board so that she can showcase her artwork and photos. {I literally finished it the night before taking the photos so it’s empty in these pictures, but she’s already started to fill it!}
You can learn how to make this oversize ribbon memo board {HERE}.
Her work surface is extra long so that she has plenty of space for homework, art projects and sewing. And because I love items that can be used for more than one purpose, here an owl vase is being used as a pencil cup!
You can learn how we make her desk area {HERE}.
The original plan was to add trim to the tops of the bookcases to create a true built-in look, but in true form, we’ll never really finish the project 100%. Instead, I used these turquoise and white pom poms to fill the space and add a bit of whimsy.
For me, the bonus for her having white walls is that if she ever decides turquoise isn’t her favorite color, we don’t have to repaint! {FYI the walls are Kelly Moore Swiss Coffee and so is the trim!} And with the pops of color and gold metallic accents, her room is anything but boring and cold! White gets a bad rap sometimes….
So that’s it! It will probably never be this clean again, unfortunately. Actually, we mostly completed her room months ago but I was waiting until she spent the week at her grandma’s so that I could clean it enough to photograph! I try not to think of her as messy, but rather creative and she always has some project or another going on in her room.
Below are links to sources for her room. One of the benefits to working on this project over the course of several months is that I had the time to wait until things went on sale, and I’m always a fan of saving money! You can scroll through the affiliate images below and click on them to be taken directly to the online retail source.
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I hope you enjoyed the tour of my tween girl’s bedroom!
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I LOVE this room! And I’m a little obsessed with the ceiling fan. Can you tell me where you found that? It’s beautiful and my daughter has been begging for a chandelier. ;)
Thank you so much!
So sorry for my delay! It’s a super cute fan, isn’t it?! I bought it years ago from Lamps Plus. I haven’t looked lately if they still carry it.
Where did you buy the gold dots? I can only find small dots. Thanks. Love the room!
Hi Kim! It looks like the gold dots I purchased on Amazon are no longer available. I found a couple of other options for you though. Personally, I’d pick the ones on Etsy.
I hope you find what you need!
:) Kim
Such impressive girl’s bedroom makeover ideas. These ideas can beautify any girl’s bedroom and can give it a brand new look. Excellent share, Kim!!
Can you share what you used for the window coverings please. We love the ikea built in wall and have a similar layout with the window in between. Thank you
Hi Beth!
She actually just has faux wood blinds from Home Depot. When pulled up, they are hidden behind her valence, which my daughter made herself. It’s just a cotton rectangle with a pocket at the top so that it slides onto a rod and she added a strip of turquoise trim to the bottom.
:) Kim
Hello, what a beautiful room. Where did you get everything for the built in desk / draws/ bookcase? Thank you
So sorry for my delayed response! Here are all of the details for what we used to create her built-in look:
I am loving this room and I am also planning to do a extreme room makeover.Can you please tell me what are the room dimensions?? Thank you:)
Hi Pari!
Sorry for my delay in responding! Her room is approximately 11 ft wide by 15.5 ft long. Here are the details for what pieces we used to assemble:
:) Kim
Hi Kim,
Love your tween girls room makeover. So pretty. Where did you purchase the wall unit with the desk, draws and shelves? Thanks so much
Hi Beth,
Thank you so much! That entire wall unit is from IKEA. You can find the details here:
:) Kim
Hola el cabecero de la cama de donde es???? Es una habitación preciosa, enhorabuena.
Where did you buy the ceiling fan/chandelier?
Love this!!! Where did you get the bedding?! Thank you!
where did you get the light fixutre?
Fabulous! I saw your IKEA hack on Pinterest. Where did your tabletops meet? Did you do anything special where they meet? Sand, caulk or anything? Or was it a tight enough fit?
Looks great! We are about to do the same for our daughter. Where did you find the Desk chair?
Omg, this makeover is almost inbeliveable! I really love how bright and fresh it is, and the golden circles on the walls. So joyful! Thank you for sharing the pics!
Kim, it looks AMAZING!!!!!! I love the gold elements that you added. I am soooo crushing on some gold right now in my home. I, not only, love the colors you chose, but the fact that this room will definitely follow her well into her teen years. Watch out, mom, your house may be bombarded with lots of her friends wanting to check out her new room. I know she loves it! :-)
Your tween’s bedroom is SO adorable. In addition to appearing bigger & more functional to meet her needs, I also like that it’s cheerful and bright. Y’all did a great job. I love the frames and matting you used also. Can you tell me where you purchased them?
Hi Pamela – Thank you so much for your kind comments! The frames are from Target. Here’s the direct aff. link:
Wow!! This room is just gorgeous! You knocked it out of the park. Lucky girl!!
It is a pretty room and one i’m sure she is enjoying.I have grown sons,one granddaughter and never had the joy of decorating for a young lady.