It’s been a little while since I posted in the “Inspiring Rooms” category and since I’ve recently been giving a lot of thought to my own work space, I thought I’d share with you some of my favorite, French-inspired home offices.  To me, these somewhat shabby and vintage spaces provide an opportunity to both work AND dream!  Okay, so depending on the type of work you need to do, maybe these aren’t entirely practical, but they sure are pretty to look at!

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I love the mix of light wood and dark metal in this space!

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A sunny spot to get some work done!

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This space looks so cozy!  Love the framed bulletin board above the desk.

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A formal wallpaper and color scheme paired with a shabby desk and leaning pictures!

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This looks like the perfect place to browse a book or jot a quick note.

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A simple yet beautiful space to sit and reflect!

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Beautiful pops of color in this home office!

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Weathered wood topped with glass turns this rustic beauty into a functional desk.

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Lots of storage to corral and display small items

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An old post office sorting shelf is turned into a magazine rack.  Industrial-style chairs and pendant light complete the look!

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An impressive wall gallery surrounds and anchors this desk!

All of the images above, plus other French-inspired home offices, can be found on my Pinterest board.  Follow my board for the latest updates!


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