Hello! How I’ve missed you! Happy Fall!
You might have noticed that I took a break from the blog over the summer and many of you were so kind to reach out and make sure my family and I were okay. I truly appreciated each and every one of your notes! The truth is, I took the time off so that I could have more time to spend with my kids. I didn’t plan to stop posting…it just sort-of happened. I love blogging and I love the opportunity it gives me to get to know my readers, but at the same time, it’s a lot of work! When I first started, it was just me and my computer and I think my only reader was Hubby, and I’m not exactly sure he had a choice! Over time, as the blog grew, so did the amount of time I invested in it. And then, of course, there’s the pressure to keep up with the Joneses. I started comparing myself to others and feeling like I was falling behind and that I needed to post more, pin more, tweet more….more, more, more! And well, the bottom line is that I was burnt out.
Thankfully, I am now refreshed and refocused and ready to go! And I need to catch you up on all that happened in my home over the summer! First, there was my Craigslist find that caused me to rent a U-Haul and drive a truck to unknown parts of Oakland. I can’t wait to share with you what I bought!
Then, there’s this…
I’ve also been decorating for Fall in preparation for the Fall Home Tour that is going on this week showcasing the homes of 30 bloggers. I’ll be giving a tour of my home on Friday, but there are great tours happening all week. I’ve posted today’s list below.
While I won’t be sharing my full tour until Friday, I thought I’d give you some sneak peeks.
You might already be able to tell that I’m taking a non-traditional approach to Fall decorating. I’ve decorated with the warm reds and oranges of Fall in the past, but this year, wanted to change it up a bit. I’ll give you more details on Friday, but in the meantime, check out these great tours happening today!

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welcome back! Hope you had a nice time enjoying time away from the computer screen! I understand the pressures of blogging… More more more! I realized that and told myself the second I feel like my blog is becoming a job then I will quit… I’ve already got one full time job! Can’t wait for your home tour!
Hi Angelina – so true! I keep reminding myself that the site should be fun and enjoyable and I think my break was much needed. Thanks for your support!! :) Kim
So happy that all is well and you were able to spend time with your kids. They grow up so quickly and we cannot get those years back! I’m sure if I shut my blog down, nobody would even notice, so I’m very glad for you, that you were missed! I love the little sneak peek of fall, and will look forward to seeing your full post! No comparing, you are who God created you to be and nobody else!! You are the Best and Only You! Blessings, Cindy
Hi Cindy – You are so sweet – thank you! I really enjoyed having uninterrupted time with the kids but now that they’re back in school, I’m so glad to be back blogging because of the opportunity to chat with such nice people such as yourself! Thank you again. :) Kim
Love your picture and the sneak peaks of your fall. Can’t wait for the tour.
Thanks, Marty!!!