This weekend, I finally started using my CeCe Caldwell Limited Edition Chesapeake Blue chalk paint. In general, I’m not a very tidy painter and tend to slop paint over the sides of the can. But as you can see from the photo below, this paint can is special, as it was signed for me by CeCe Caldwell herself! So of course I don’t want paint running down the side of this can!
I finally implemented a little trick that I learned at chalk painting class and thought I’d share this trick with you on Tidbit Tuesday. Before you start painting, wrap a wide rubber band around the paint can from top to bottom. You can then wipe the excess paint off of your brush on the rubber band instead of on the side of the paint can. This not only keeps the paint can clean but also saves paint, as the excess spills back into the can instead of down the sides! Hooray for mess-free painting!
Have a happy Tuesday!
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