Last week I took a break from both decorating and blogging while away with my family and that’s when it really hit me….I have the decorating bug…big time! I truly missed doing projects around the house and browsing my favorite sites.
So are you addicted to decorating, too? Here are 10 signs that you, too, might have the decorating bug.

1. While driving along the highway in an unfamiliar area, you scan every mall and shopping center for your favorite stores.
Fingers crossed they aren’t too far off the highway and you justify a quick stop!
2. When the Pottery Barn catalog arrives, you set aside some “me” time so that you can read through it leisurely.
Or Restoration Hardware, or Ballard Designs, or… doesn’t really matter. All decorating catalogs give you a little rush when you see them in the mailbox!

3. You will never be “done” decorating your home.
Just when you think a room is done, it’s time to rearrange! And your “To Do” and “Someday” lists are longer than you care to admit.
4. Your idea of a great day involves scoring an awesome home décor item at a great price.
Who doesn’t love a bargain?!
5. You have a closet or room dedicated to your stash of extra décor.
You know what I’m talking about – the things that you aren’t currently using but will eventually rotate through the house again! ;)

6. You tuck away photos and save Pins to use as inspiration for future projects.
Although in reality, you have more photos filed away than you could ever use.
7. You study designers’ homes, model homes, and the glossy pages of magazines like a textbook to learn all you can.
Fashionists might have a copy of Vogue on their nightstands, but you have House Beautiful tucked away for a little late-night reading. And of course, your favorite pages are dog-eared.

8. Your ideal vacation includes time spent scoping out local houseware and furniture stores.
It’s so much fun to stumble upon a store you love in an unfamiliar town…bonus points if they have an online shopping site!
9. You rearrange furniture and décor in your home like it’s a sport.
Your family leaves in the morning and discovers everything has been moved around by the time they get home. Upon entering through the door, they often wonder, “Am I in the right house?”

10. Meeting others who share your love and passion for decorating is always fun.
…especially if you become shopping buddies!
So, how many of these describe you??
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I have a bug… no a huge case of decoratingitis! Thanks for alerting me to the signs! And BTW… I’m afraid you have it too!
Lol! Yes, I have a huge case of it! :)
So there! We have two walk in closets in our master. One hubs and I share and the other is full of all my decorating stuff!:) Hubs fusses about it and swears no other lady on earth has a closet full of crap. I said if he only knew!;)
Hi Pamela! Yes, I confess, I have a finished attic space dedicated to extra stuff, plus part of our garage! You can assure your hubby that you are not the only one. :)
I’ve got all those symptoms and a few more. I make my husband stop at model homes when we go on road trips!
Too funny! Now that I think about it, I’ve done that, too!
Oh! Now that’s a GREAT idea! I’ve never thought of looking at model homes for ideas .. Thank you (though I’m not sure if my hubby will be so thankful! LOL) I also scour Estate Sales almost every week I can.
haha, at least 7. :)
Oh dear, I relate to each and every point! Well, I don’t mind, it brings me such pleasure. I used to tell Mr. B., I’d rather have French doors than diamonds. It’s till true.
What a fun post.
Hi Karen – I totally agree! :)
I hate to admit this about myself, but……I actually lay in my bed, and in my mind, redecorate every room in our house. Please, someone, tell me that I’m not alone😞
Lol! I do this all the time!