A tour of my green, white and gold French Christmas living room. A classic color scheme for an elegant but cozy feel.

I have been so anxious to share my living room with you this year because I LOVE how the garland turned out! Okay, I’ll be honest. I love how the entire room turned out. I’ve been spending time in this room every evening since I finished decorating it, just enjoying the space!

Be prepared. There are a LOT of photos in this post.

I finished decorating this room in October! But a nasty cold kept me from photographing it until recently.

In the past, I’ve done some more extravagant tree decorating. There was the year I decided to create a soft blush Christmas tree with flowers and ribbon. Last year I not only flocked my tree, but worked in bits of blue velvet ribbon!

european fir Christmas tree with gold and white ornaments

This year, I really just wanted to stick with neutrals, so I chose a base of green and white with pops of silver and gold. As an added bonus, I already owned all of the ornaments used on this tree so I didn’t have to buy any new ones.

I did, however, buy a new natural bead garland. To me, this element helps to keep the tree from looking overly fussy or too elegant. I have a casual, kid- and pet-filled household, after all!

And you might notice this isn’t the same tree I shared last year in the living room. This is the 7.5′ European Fir with fairy lights from Balsam Hill. I LOVE this tree. I’ve had it for a few years now, but this is its first appearance in the living room.

Okay, let’s talk about the mantel. Real or fake? What do you think?

Okay, it’s fake. That’s what happens when you’re a blogger and decorate for Christmas in October! I couldn’t find fresh garland even if I wanted to!

But if you do use real greenery, you can follow my guide to Keep Greenery Fresh longer!

The garland below is a mix of my two favorite greens. The juniper garland from Terrain covers the entire mantel and down the side. I then tucked greenery picks from Michael’s in throughout to give it a fuller look.

What I love about greenery picks is that if I don’t use them in the garland next year, I can just use them on surfaces and other areas! I didn’t cut them apart to place them in this display.

I chose to create an asymmetrical look with my garland this year in order to balance out the weight of the tree on the other side.

So most of the greenery is on the right-hand side of the fireplace. To further embellish the garland, I added my favorite brass bells and a few strands of white and khaki velvet ribbon. Wa-la!

On the other side, I used a few of my favorite candlesticks and candles, along with my grain sack stockings.

My coffee table is quite large, so I tend to use a lot of decor to fill the space. This time, I used a faux tabletop tree in an antique urn to anchor the space.

Next to it I have a vintage Santa on a pedestal.

This Santa is from Amazon and is available in three colors. I chose white just to keep things neutral but I love the look of him!

I also used a shallow dough bowl full of silver and gold votives with a feather boa wrapped in between for added softness.

And did you notice that I swapped out my Fall art for some winter-themed art? I have two new images here, both of which are available for subscribers to download and use for FREE in my Exclusive Content section. You can find even more vintage-style art that you can print at home in my Winter Frame TV post.

Are you ready to move to the other side of the room?

You might notice that I swapped all of my furniture around. I actually really like this layout, except my puppies no longer have their window bench.

Do these throw pillows look familiar?

They are the same pillows that I used for Fall, but a different combination, mixing what I had in the family room with the living room.

On the wall to the right of the fireplace, to balance out the visual weight of the tree, I added a stack of vintage suitcases and baskets, along with a random side chair that I’ve owned for years.

My new-to-me dresser was moved behind the sofa to allow for some display space! I’m obsessed with this cute wooden village that I picked up at HomeGoods. I feel it lends itself to the European vibe I was aiming for this year.

And of course, my favorite rustic vase is still in use! I added the white flowers that were on my Spring tour, along with a few sprigs of greenery and suddenly, it looks like a winter arrangement!

I think I just about covered everything in the tour!

Well, except for one thing. The room at night. It’s so cozy….

I hope you enjoyed the tour! Please be sure to PIN IT for later!

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One Comment

  1. Kim,
    Your living room, dressed for Christmas, is stunning! I love every little detail. It really is filled with wonderful inspiration and ideas. Thank you for sharing the sources for so many of the decorative treasures.
    Enjoy the holidays.
    Karen B.

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