Take a tour of my family room decorated for Fall using a mix of terracotta, sage, gold and white. Natural elements bring in the feel of autumn with minimal effort and expense!

I started decorating for Fall back in August when it was still 100 degrees outside because, well…that’s the life of a blogger! But thanks to a friend, I located the one grocery store that was already selling my favorite pumpkins.

Fairytale pumpkins are my absolute favorite. You’ll find them in gorgeous, muted shades of sage green, white, and terracotta. I love mixing them with natural elements like pampas grass, wheat bundles, pinecones, acorns, and more.

I used a lot of texture in this year’s Fall styling and kept things very casual. Nothing fussy and nothing that will die or dry out. Except of course for a few dried hydrangeas from my garden.

My painted French coffee table has just a single display on it grouped together with an antique breadboard. This vignette is made up of a few pumpkins, some antique French terracotta pots with acorns, bits of grass, and my favorite LED taper candle.

And do you remember when I wrote about my favorite Fall pillow combinations? Well, these are the ones I ended up with in my family room.

Want to see more Fall pillow combinations? Here’s my Fall Pillow Guide!

The back pillow is the Palna pillow from Pottery Barn, which I chose because it has blue (my favorite accent color), but also brings in terracotta to help tie the room together. The front pillow is the Cunkly Linen pillow from West Elm and might just be my new favorite year-round pillow cover.

Over in the corner, I kept my ladder with antique grain sacks, but added in my favorite faux olive tree for a pop of green.

My black cabinet is styled with my favorite things – books, trophies, and cherished family items displayed in cloches. If you look closely, you’ll see my grandpa’s baby shoes in one cloche alone with family photos in another. And up higher I have my grandma’s baby gloves in a frame. I usually have photos of my kids in here, too, but they’ve asked not to be included in photos so I remove them whenever I take pictures.

I added in a couple of pumpkins, feathers, and antlers just for a bit of Fall.

On my Frame TV, I decided on this moody portrait which to most people, probably doesn’t say “Fall”. To me, though, the coloring reminds me of a rainy day.

I did have a few other art options up for a while, like the one below.

Want more FREE Fall art to use in your home? I have 15+ gorgeous options just for you!

There’s nothing too exciting happening on my media cabinet. I changed out some of my accessories and added a new framed piece of art that I found on the Public Domain that had terracotta coloring. And I grouped my magnifying glasses into an Ironstone tureen for display.

I can’t remember why I moved this little bistro table out of my bedroom but it was supposed to be temporary. I think temporary has become permanent because I love it in this spot next to my leather recliner.

I typically have these Scrabble tiles on display somewhere, but they moved to the side table for this vignette.

And that concludes my Fall family room tour. It’s a cozy spot for us. The lamps are all on timers and I love the glow of them in the evenings.

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  1. I love everything. Great job
    I’m ready for cooler temps
    Karen B.

  2. Julie Davis says:

    Can you explain the frame TV art? Do you hang it over your TV when you’re not using it?


  3. Wow – you nailed it! I love it all – beautiful execution. I am gaga for the blue pillow from Pottery Barn, and the textured pillow too. It all says fall in a lovely, subtle way; it all works together and looks great together. You bet I am going to pin all this!!!

  4. Shelia Light says:

    I love the subtle fall decor. Can you tell me what brand of paint and color your blue cabinet is painted?
    Thank you

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